A resolute leader, who demonstrated time and again, despite the huge fog of ambiguity his environment was enveloped in, the power of professionalism and fair play while he led his team through victory after victory. His huge wealth of knowledge and vast experience guided his stellar qualities of forethought, getting his team together and ready to train and prepare for challenges likely to loom ahead. His personal charisma and ability to always lead from the front has forever motivated his team to deliver victory time and again. An acclaimed public speaker – his articulation on topics called upon to speak- have always resounded so very positively with his target audience in a manner so as to captivate their complete attention and imbibe the lessons l to be learned as he sought them to be. I consider myself fortunate to have walked, albeit for some distance, in this journey called life and have come out more richer and knowledgeable for which I shall forever remain grateful. I wish him the very best that the world has to offer in his future endeavors.