Six packs and a heap of ash

The frame instantly toppled the hatch marks darting to scale new “weights” as that “many”cured, deftly chiseled cast lying inert defied logical BMIs. The fluffy mane icicled with “globes” squeezed shut, that deemed paradise, strapped stripped and marooned, lolls without a quaver.
The brawl to top the charts of athleticism at the cost of many a delicacies culminating into this torpor, the learned designers of diet charts scrambled, in vain, for that magical recipe to shake that unending stupor.

 Fat bellied or the “packed” are picked alike, roasted at similar intensity where none labours to keep score of the size and weight of the heap  of clinkers.
So live, love , laugh…and more so EAT your way as our future cadavers can’t.